BUZZSHOW - A New Way to Create, Manage, Share and Watch Videos.

BuzzShow is a fully expanded reward-based video social media network that rewards users in the form of Token BuzzShow Goldies to create, manage, share & download videos.

Limitations of Current Online Video Market.

Content creation is, of course, fundamental to the online video industry. Most creators need a platform where they can reach their audience. Today, large companies have most of these platforms. Because the organization is centered, they limit the freedom of expression that the creator needs. In addition, they take the most of the revenue generated from the video. In most cases, large companies do not share the revenue from user-generated content (UGC), most of which are made on social networks like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter that dominate the market. This lack of wealth-sharing schemes explains why companies like YouTube are experiencing sustained growth while creator revenue has declined. In addition, some forms of censorship begin to happen with some videos downgraded in rankings in search algorithms. This directly limits the audience that creators can access.

In addition to creators, curators are also important because they share and distribute content to their audiences. Unfortunately, this is one of the most unappreciated roles in the video industry. Most platforms do not value video curators because of their efforts to share information with others. Social media sites are well known. Twitter and Facebook have no profit sharing platform for curators and video creators. Other platforms like Facebook allow creators to post videos on the platform, but do not have any form of revenue sharing. As a result, creators do not want to spend their time and money creating content without any form of compensation. These centralized organizations are also willing to provide official channels and greater post exposure on their platforms as they are
paid. Over the years, content creators must work in these conditions because they have no alternative.


What is a Buzzshow?

Buzzshow is one of the first social networking video sites to adopt blockchain technology to provide a platform that places the interest of creators, curators and viewers first. Blockchain uses Goldies as a crypto currency that provides incentives to create, share and watch videos on BuzzShow. Member
platforms not only earn incentives as content creators, but also earn revenue when they share videos and when they watch videos. This is the first fully developed social networking video that lets everyone get involved in contributing and making money on the platform. This platform will be our IPFS (InterPlanetary File Sharing) in the next release to ensure that its content is completely decentralized. This allows files to be stored without relying on a centralized database as most video sites do that. As a result, it is not susceptible to DOS attacks or ransomware attacks because the video will be held in many systems. The benefits are faster, more open and more secure than centralized streaming video encoding methods. This technology is useful for BuzzShow as it allows the platform to be completely decentralized while saving bandwidth costs. BuzzShow is committed to ensuring that revenues generated from premium ads and subscriptions are distributed equally among all "food chains" including content creators, curators, marketers and consumers according to their level of participation and popularity on the platform. Most other video sharing sites retain about 50 percent of revenue from ads, as in the case of YouTube using 55-45 percentage revenue sharing schemes, or storing overall revenue for themselves as in the case of Facebook and Twitter. Under this scheme, content creators and curators are forced to earn the remaining share of income, even though they do most of the work. Buzzshow aims to disrupt industry by providing all parties involved in revenue generated from content creation.

Buzzshow feature.

Users on the platform will earn money while uploading their first video on the platform. This is a very simple way to earn Goldies even before the demand on the site develops. They can also get every referral confirmed on this site. As soon as users sign up based on their referrals, they also earn some Goldies. Another feature is the ability to create channels and upload videos for free. There are no paid options that offer the creator a greater chance of capital. Everyone starts at the same price, and it's absolutely free for everyone. This makes companies reluctant to pay for privileged care on the platform. They will support their favorite creators by sending Goldies. Goldies will not be subject to any outrageous transaction costs such as Patreon and other donation platforms, but rather near zero micro-transaction costs. This will ensure that creators get the support they need. In addition, creators can sell access to their content to enable them to earn Goldies if the content is of high quality. Users can access this premium content by paying Goldies they get on the platform. Advertisers will be able to directly pay the creator and curator to ensure that ads are placed on the video for the right target audience. This is a more effective strategy than random ad placement with no feedback from advertisers.

How Buzzshow Profitable Users.

Different users will get different benefits in the platform depending on their contribution to the site. Specific benefits for each of these groups are as follows:

  • Video Creators will get Goldies to create content and add it to their channel as well as when users view the video. This provides an opportunity for video creators to generate double incomes. They can also charge a premium if they want to.
  • Video Curators will earn Goldies whenever they share videos or when videos are viewed on their channel.
  • Viewers will get Goldies when they watch videos on the platform, and they can use these Goldies to pay for premium content from their favorite creators.
  • Advertisers may purchase Goldies to pay for ad space from a curator or specific creator.
  • Ad verification validators are included in the video to ensure that advertisers only market based on ad space. This validator is paid using Goldies.
  • Moderators get Goldies by validating whether content shared by the creators complies with the terms and conditions. They mark issues such as racism and inappropriate content to ensure users do not violate their requirements.
  • Developer / Platform keeps some Goldies provided to them. In addition, they get based on the plugins and upgrades that are introduced to the platform.
  • Buzzshow will provide storage options by working with other decentralized storage companies and letting content owners pay a small fee to save videos in blockchain.

Buzzshow Market Mechanism.

Token Distribution.

Of the 150 million tokens, 62 percent will be put up for sale while 14 percent will be frozen for the Stability mechanism. The team will get 8 percent coin. The adviser will receive a 2 percent token while the shareholder will receive a 7 percent token. The bounty program will receive 2 percent and the bonus program will receive 5 percent to build a solid community and content contributors within the first 24 months of operation.
This is better shown in the following figure:


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