DocTailor - our big ICO family.

The DocTailor platform will allow all users, regardless of the developer
experience, to disseminate legal documents with intelligent integrated features. The point is the technology is to create new ecosystems to show how the progress of blockchain can be exploited in the legal industry. DocTailor aims to review: • Enhance the accessibility of a Customized Smart Contract • Enhance the ease of development of Intelligent Contracts, acquisitions, and Distributions • Offer Easy Payment Options, save Crypto and Fiat Money • Facilitate the Use of DocTailor and / or Other Crippots Signs • Operate in P2P Operations , B2C, and B2B as needed.

• Integrate with business infrastructure to deliver value to real-world situations
• Manage and translate. Smart and hindrances are deployed
The introduction of the DocTailor platform coincides with
sound enhancement at low adoption rates of low technology.
blockchain. The report shows about 40% of senior executives
do not understand how blockchain can benefit their business or industry
business, little quote of knowledge about technology -. For now, it seems that
blockchain adoption rates vary by sector.

Doc Tailor will be one of the greatest financial results ever seen in recent years. Just to get an overview of the features, individual individuals whose users can:

  • Manage Your Account: Manage and access all your crypto and real money accounts, even investments
  • Deposits and loans: Unlike other banks, DocTailor will have digital
  • Investments and Brokers: clients can do so via the DocTailor platform
  • Billing: owned automatically and also
  • Other Services: DocTailor will work on traditional products like insurance, paramentos, transfers and history, among others

I also find this very exciting opportunity to carry, in addition to having many features today, even today, this is the first powerful crypto bank and the same money at the same time. And undoubtedly attracts many business customers, as DocTailor focuses on both customers. Both business customers and civil society. Therefore to facilitate business payments, DocTailor will offer various forms of payment. It will be as efficient as the form of payment as much as possible, which, in addition to saving time, will improve work efficiency. Just to see all this, the first time I read, I really want to get up soon, because this will make my life so much easier, eventually I will have a bank that I make real money and real money, and to this day is the only one is on the market. Nothing else the same as it is today. But we believe there will be many other projects that are equal to that. Because the idea is innovative and he offers utilities that have long been thought of.

With Global Outreach Promising DocTailor Comes Globally and Meets All Requirements
At the beginning of the project, in my opinion, this will be a huge success, but lasted only two years, success will not do this. It's enough with you now, to sign in DocTailor first and thus have the advantage of bringing in your token.

With the increasing popularity in the world of cryptocurrents, DocTailor also has a high advantage, being the first bank to receive cryptocurrents and money today. And again all the features he does both the internet and the physical bank of his country.

I'll also cover the practicality topics DocTailor offers for us, clients. DocTailor will have a biometric terminal so customers can connect to a credit card or bank account to their fingerprint and pay at the store, and all this is just a thumbs up. And halal of this is what will increase payment in stores and with customers both customers, both fixed customers and regular customers, reduce the number of queues and increase sales.

And for business owners they will have a unique opportunity to have a special service that is making ICO itself. And with the highly intuitive DocTailor API, it will attract customers globally with great ease, wanting a worldwide network of eligible users. DocTailor is a very versatile project, allowing clients to perform virtually any functionality they want in their day-to-day operations to facilitate their transactions, whether digital or not.

And all developer partners will be personally supported by DocTailor itself, DocTailor has an outside meeting to explain and show how the platform works.
And of course, you can not compete with the part I like best. Products for Merchants! The short letter translation for Exchangers, which is between us and me is one, and the benefits will also be minimal, because DocTailor also does not fail to give much advantage to your token momentum, such as special Exchange and this. Stock will guess what? Stock DocTailor!

DocTailor is a pretty contradictory project. It's me here and now I'm wondering. What's missing for this project to no avail? The answer is: nothing. For interactive and interesting projects that require their customers' needs too much, hopefully this will be a successful project. And my goal invests heavily in your ICO and I invite everyone to get guaranteed investment and profits by the end of this year.

Like all projects in the alpha stage DocTailor will of course experience difficulties, whether its implications on the market, or even technological factors, but I am sure you translate for 3 years DocTailor has a worldwide reputation and sees this with much success and its high acquired by a prominent investor known as the pope. But that does not stop me to generate exorbitant profits by 2018, which is the year that I b about this great project for you my friends.

The solution is DocTailor.

DocTailor has been introduced as a viable long-term solution to issues that hinder the widespread adoption of blockgain technologies. Focused on the lack of apps

user experience - DocTailor allows easy access to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and. This platform will support third party integration
whatever smart stuff is customized. The idea is simple: it is easy and easy for a business to create and promote a work contract while benefiting from a cryptocurrency economy.


Based on the characteristics and benefits of DocTailor, it is clearly a platform that has important and important features, the unique selling point required (USP) to achieve its goal of revolutionizing the landscape. This platform focuses specifically on user experience and access. DocTailor is the most appropriate candidate currently for the contract.

However, DocTailor's success relies heavily on greater adoption of blockchain, not only from individuals, but also from legal organizations and professionals. Like a tailor platform, there is a user dependency to create DocTailor data. However, blockchain
adoption is said to be soaring in the coming years, with more than half of it
of executives to which they will be in a 'significant' position
loss' for future competitors if they fail to utilize blockchain.

Bonus Stage for Pre-ICO & Sales major.

Number of Sold Tokens 500M (500,000,000) DOCT, where:

  • 300M will be available in tokensale.
  • 50 million for ICO bonus.
  • 100 million held by DocTailor.
  • 50 million is reserved for early users at PRESALE
  • Etherum ERC20 Etherum ERC20
  • Purchase method accepted: BTC and ETH (1ETH = 2700 DOCT tokens)

AUTHOR: jelambar111


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