Gambling and Betting Platforms where transactions are managed with verifiable cryptographic code without human intervention. Gron Digital is a secure, transparent, auditable and auditable Gaming Platform in Blockchain. Our Smart Contract acts as an autonomous trust agent. The platform is operated by a utility token - called GRO. GROs are used by participants in return for the value and services they provide. Service providers, bookmakers, casino operators, affiliates, regulators and players are some examples of participants in the Gron Digital ecological system.

Gron Digital has several major advantages over its competitors. The founders of Gron Digital have relevant expertise in the industry:

  • We are the authorized Licensed Producers and Service Providers to the Gaming Industry;
  • We have direct knowledge and experience in Gaming and Betting domains;
  • We have the necessary IT infrastructure, expertise, management and development teams to implement this project efficiently; and
  • We have Gambling and Betting certified products used in production environments.
Gron Digital is not in the learning stage. We showcase real-world experiences, as well as existing functional systems and infrastructure serving the customers and the gaming industry. Browse the following listings to see where Gron Digital will launch: www.cdpgaming.com www.yesplay.bet www.sintez.com


There are many factors that affect the game industry and gamble negatively. At the forefront, this is a matter of trust. Without trust people hesitate to transact. Trust affects all aspects of the industry from fair play, to leading operators, to systems that store customer deposits and manage their winnings. The current mechanism is based on a model of human intervention and control, which leads to cheating and dishonesty. Therefore, players are faced with challenges that cause distrust. Common industry issues will be discussed below.

  • Deposit and withdrawal When a player deposits into a game account, which is controlled by a third party, there is often a delay that accompanies this. Deposits often take a long time to reflect or sometimes fail to reflect at all.
  • Fair Competition Monopoly is characterized by the absence of competition. This means that monopolies can initiate high costs for consumers, inferior products, and often corrupt behaviors, which force individuals to develop a degree of mistrust.
  • The trusted service provider The problem to be addressed is the issue of permissions. Players who visit and register with various service providers may not always be able to distinguish between legal and illegal operators. This makes players confused and deceived.
  • Fair Gaming Is the product offered fair? Will one be treated ethically and professionally? From a development and software perspective, Gaming and Betting products have not grown significantly. Regardless of development costs, companies must ensure that Gaming Laboratories declare their gaming products to conform to fair game practices before entering the market.
  • Random Number generator and return to player precentage Another issue that is often discussed is the issue of Random Number Generator (RNG). A simple example of RNG is a lottery. The lottery participants are forced to believe that the software code or physical device that generates the winning numbers is completely random.
  • Betting Mut mutuel (Betting on swimming pools) Pari-mutuel betting issues differ from fixed-odds bets because last payment is only determined after the pool is closed, while on a fixed bet.
The development of the Gron Digital platform aims to create an eco-system in which transactions are managed with codes that can be cryptographically identifiable without human intervention. This creates a Gambling and Betting domain for all participants:

  • Secure;
  • Transparent;
  • Guaranteed;
  • Autonomous;
  • Can be audited; and
  • Fair

GRO is our utility token that will be used on Gron Digital Platform. The utility token acts as:

  • game currency and bookmakers;
  • as a gift;
  • form of payment; and
  • an incentive that strengthens the Gron Digital economy.
Platform can be used in several ways, namely when conducting transactions and when providing services. At the forefront, GRO will be used as currency. Maybe people can think of GRO as a casino chip. GRO utility marks will allow individuals and organizations to play games available on the Platform, to place bets with sportsbooks or playing sweepstakes. All the potential wins will be paid in GRO, but this is not limited to GROs that act as mere currency. Depending on the role adopted in the eco system, participants will get GRO and be rewarded for the services they provide on the Platform. The main role players on the Platform include:

  • Game and App Developers;
  • RNG;
  • Service provider;
  • Results;
  • Lineman;
  • Bankroll & Risk Backers;
  • Scout; and
  • Statistics Provider
The Gron Digital platform will be based on its GRO utility token. GRO marks are issued on request because the contribution occurs, ie 0.6 GRO exchanged with BT, or BTC, an additional 0.4 GRO is issued and allocated to Founders, Team Incentives, and Initial Roll Bank funds, for a total of 1 GRO to be issued. A maximum of 950,000 000 (Nine Hundred and Fifty million) GRO utility tokens will be issued in the Pre-ICO and ICO phases, starting on 09/01/2018 at 00:00 UTC. The following cryptocurrencies can be exchanged for GRO:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereo
  • What is Bitcoin?
60% of the GRO is issued, a maximum of 570 000 000 (Five Hundred and Seventy million tokens), will be allocated to the Pre-ICO Digital and ICO Phases for public participation. Pre-ICO is scheduled to run for 28 days, followed by 4 rounds of ICO with each round lasting up to 14 days. This evidence is issued by the GRO.sol contract. After all 4 rounds (or if the ICO 570 000 000 token ceiling is reached) ICO will be closed. Gron Digital aims to increase 57,000 ETH in the Pre-ICO and ICO phases, the details of each round are as follows:

For ICO.

14,000 GROs will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes a 40% bonus allocation for participants in this round. The rotation will last for twenty-eight days or until the ceiling is reached.

  • First round: 13,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes 30% bonus allocation for participants in this round. The rotation will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • Second Round: 12,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes 20% bonus allocation for participants in this round. The rotation will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • Third Round: 11,000 GROs will be sold for 1 ETH, this includes a 10% bonus allocation for participants in this round. The rotation will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
  • Fourth Round: 10,000 GRO will be sold for 1 ETH. This round will last for fourteen days or until the ceiling is reached.
Funds raised during the Pre-ICO and ICO phases will be allocated as follows:

  • 50% - Software Development;
  • 5% - Legal and Financial Framework;
  • 15% - Operation;
  • 10% - Marketing;
  • 15% - Counselor;
  • 5% - Contingencies.
The remaining 40% of GRO, a maximum of 380,000 (Three Hundred and Eight million tokens), will be handled by the GROVesting.sol contract as follows:

  • 40% - Bankroll (available soon)
  • 30% - Team & Bonus Incentives (available after 26 weeks from date of ICO expiration);
  • 15% - Founder (available after 52 weeks from date of ICO expires)
  • 15% - Founder (available after 104 weeks from date of ICO expires)
For more information please visit our LINK:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gron-Digital -497963550568477 /

AUTHOR: jelambar111


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